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Please enter the following information
  • {{ verror }}

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Add photos of your sighting

Zoo Victoria’s Moth Tracker initiative works collaboratively with partners. Moth data and images collected in this survey may be shared with partners to support Bogong Moth research, and promote Moth Tracker.

Please enter the following information
  • {{ verror }}

Where did you see the moth? If you are there right now, select 'Use my location' or, find the location on the map and click.

Please enter the following information
  • {{ verror }}

How many Bogong Moths did you see? Choose the photo that is most similar to the number you saw.


You have successfully recorded your sighting.

Thank you for using Moth Tracker! Your sighting has been sent to Zoos Victoria to be verified. We'll update the interactive map in the next few days so you can come back to find out if your sighting was indeed a Bogong Moth or another species.

Please also tell your family and friends to keep an eye out for Bogong Moths as they migrate towards Mountain Pygmy-possums.



Follow Zoos Victoria on Facebook for updates on Moth Tracker

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